10 Predictions for IDtech in 2024
10 Predictions for IDtech in 2024 The start of a new year is always a great time to reflect on where we are and speculate about where we’re going. As I’ve spent time pondering these questions, I thought it’d be fun to document some specific predictions about 2024. I do not have any special information […]
Supercharging the IDtech Category: Trinsic’s Vision for the Future
A yearly update from Trinsic’s CEO on the decentralized identity market and where Trinsic is heading next It’s been about a year since our funding announcement and we’re excited to share what we’re seeing in the decentralized identity market and how it has influenced our product direction going forward. Brief history of Trinsic In 2017, […]
Important Updates to Trinsic v1 and Sovrin StagingNet
In November 2022, we officially launched the Trinsic v2 platform (also known as Trinsic Ecosystems) as our exclusive platform for new users. We’ve invested tremendous resources into developing Trinsic v2 in place of our v1 platform (Trinsic Studio and our legacy APIs), largely due to our concerns with v1’s dependencies on the Hyperledger Indy + […]
The Journey of Decentralized Identity: Where It’s Been and Where It’s Going
The Pitiful State of Identity Today Sometimes I marvel at how, despite sending people to space, editing genes, and getting dangerously close to AGI, humanity hasn’t built a way for me to prove my legal name is Riley Hughes online. Even to do so in real life, I need to pull a hopefully-not-forged plastic card […]
Announcing Trinsic’s Largest Platform Update Ever
In 2019, Trinsic launched the first verifiable credentials platform, enabling developers to easily implement digital trust into any application for the first time. Since then, our APIs have been used by more than 2,000 developers and supports some of the largest verifiable credentials implementations in the world. Through this period of growth and by […]
Introducing Trinsic Ecosystems
Of the 1,000+ organizations who’ve used Trinsic since we launched the world’s first self-sovereign identity (SSI) platform 1.5 years ago, a large subset are building “trust ecosystems”, or networks of organizations and people that can share trustworthy data in a standardized and privacy-respecting way. While Trinsic’s platform has always served as a scalable, easy-to-implement way […]
On Company Culture & Trinsineers
It’s hard to overstate the importance of an organization’s culture. Culture is an organization’s instinct; it determines what an organization will do in response to a given situation. stimulus + culture = behavior Situations constantly evolve from internal execution, stakeholder interactions, external collaboration, and more. I’ve seen first-hand toxic cultures that drive talented people away […]
4 Keys to Self-Sovereign Identity Adoption
I’ve been convinced the world needs self-sovereign identity (SSI) since my first encounter with it during an interview with Phil Windley for the first job opening at Sovrin Foundation. With fraud, deep fakes, and data breaches abounding, my belief has only expanded; so much so that I, together with cofounders, started Trinsic to make SSI easy to use. When we began 18 […]
Trinsic in 2020: A Year in Review
The year 2020 was quite the year for everyone. Despite its challenges, 2020 was a significant year of growth for the Trinsic platform, team, and brand. Below, we highlight the moments of growth in 2020 that we will never forget. The world’s first SSI platform is born At the beginning of 2020, we launched the […]
SSI Has an Identity Problem
Before the word ‘elephant’ was broadly used, how would one describe the big, leathery animal? Source: J. Himmelfarb (artist G. Renee Guzlas) Each of these people call the elephant something different because they each have a different perspective. When you think about it, an elephant really is like a big wall with a snake and spears coming […]