SSI Has an Identity Problem

Before the word ‘elephant’ was broadly used, how would one describe the big, leathery animal? Source: J. Himmelfarb (artist G. Renee Guzlas) Each of these people call the elephant something different because they each have a different perspective. When you think about it, an elephant really is like a big wall with a snake and spears coming […]
Trinsic Cements its Commitment to Interoperability Ahead of Internet Identity Workshop XXXI

Self-sovereign identity (SSI) has largely developed and matured thanks to the rich conversations at the semi-annual Internet Identity Workshop (IIW)—one of the most important user-centric digital identity events on earth. Not only does IIW act as a place to iron out specs and bring communities together, but it acts as a forcing function for implementors […]
Trinsic Joins Trust over IP Foundation as Founding Member

Trinsic is thrilled to announce our membership in the Trust over IP Foundation as a Founding Contributor Member. Through our involvement there, we’ll continue to help define the set of business, legal, and technical policies which will underpin trust on the internet into the future. What Does Trust over IP Mean? Trust has many different […]