Trinsic Basics: What Are SSI Digital Wallets?

The easiest way to explain self-sovereign identity (SSI) is to pull out an item that people carry on a daily basis—a wallet.¹ It’s strange to use a leather pouch to explain such a complex, nascent technology as SSI, but it works! And it works because most of the magic of SSI happens within and between […]

Trinsic Leads SSI Digital Wallet Portability

“Portable” is one of the 10 principles of self-sovereign identity (SSI). In order to achieve portability or self-sovereignty, an individual must be able to control where their identity information and credentials are stored. They must be able to leave their current provider and move to a new provider and never be trapped in vendor lock-in. […]

Building SSI Digital Wallets: The 3 Major Decisions

Digital wallets are central to self-sovereign identity (SSI). Some have even called for using the wallet as the central point of explaining SSI. If you’re seeking to implement an SSI solution, you have two options: Use an existing mobile wallet, like the popular Trinsic Wallet, Connect.Me, or Lissi. Develop your own wallet, custom-made for your […]