Passkeys, did:web, Ed25519, Wallet Integrations, CHAPI, and More — Recent Product Updates

The past month has been full of product updates and improvements. This blog post will introduce new features like support for passkeys, did:web, Ed25519 signatures, wallet pass integrations and a number of exciting experiments happening in the Trinsic Labs. Passkeys for wallet authentication We’ve added support for passkeys within our wallet infrastructure. Providers can now […]
Trinsic White Label Wallet — The Fastest Way to Build with Verifiable Credentials

Trinsic just released the fastest way to start building with verifiable credentials. Create an account in the Trinsic Dashboard, add your custom branding, and we’ll create a white labeled credential studio allowing you to demo a use case in minutes. While Trinsic is known for easy-to-use SDKs and a top-tier developer experience, we consistently heard […]
Getting Essential Workers Back to Work with SSI

A Collaboration Between Trinsic and the Government of British Columbia Note: This is a demonstration intended to show the participant an example scenario involving theoretical government web services, a theoretical medical lab, and a theoretical long-term care facility. This demo was done at the Internet Identity Workshop #30 to show interoperability between two codebases, and […]